Sunday, January 6, 2013

2013: Weight Not- Wait Not

It is 2013...a new year & a new opportunity for single people like us to live our lives to the fullest! Each December/January as I leave one year and enter another I meditate & take stock of my life. Did I accomplish all I set out to? What were my lessons learned? What do I need to leave in the past? What do I need to take forward? What do I want to accomplish in the new year?

As I thought about all of these things, four words kept coming back to me "weight not- wait not"...of course it has physical meanings for me (since being healthy is a life goal) but it also has meaning from a mental, emotional & spiritual perspective. I know that I do not want to carry the weight of negativity into the new year and I do not want to wait to live my life. I want to live present in each moment, enjoying happiness and finding joy everyday of 2013! Yes I know as we experience life things will happen that are not good, there are trials, disappointments & sadness to contend with. However, if we search for the lesson in each day- we will find joy!
My challenge to you is to make a list of the "weight not" items that you wish to purge; this can be the physical pounds you want to lose, the weight of negative self-talk, the weight of negative people around you, the weight of procrastination, the weight of a relationship that has run its' course or even the weight of depression. Then make a list of the "wait not" items you refuse to put on hold such as; taking a  weekend get-away to a special place, traveling to another country, taking a cooking class, focusing on your spirituality, starting to date again, saving money, purchasing a home, starting a business, going back to school, running a 5K, 1/2 marathon or even a full marathon. When you are done if your lists contain a lot of items, prioritize the top 3 on each list to really focus on reaching/achieving and together we will support & hold each other accountable. We will make daily strides and check our progress weekly to ensure we are still on track. At the end of 90 days we will do a reality check to see if we are progressing or if the items need to be modified in any way.

I know we live in world that moves at a frantic pace and it is easy to get caught in the whirlwind but in the midst we have to find a few moments to quiet ourselves and focus on our lists.
Let's take 2013 by storm! #weightnot #waitnot
Live life, don't let life live you! #singlelivingrevolution